
Graphic Design


商品のパッケージ、ロゴデザイン、キャラクターデザイン、テキスタイル、各種印刷物:(ステッカー、DVD/CDジャケット、チラシ/フライヤー、名刺)、などなど! デザインセンスに定評のあるBFTC!ありそうでなさそなキャッチーなデザインをお届け致します。 勿論、動的なCGもご依頼ください。2DCG/3DCG、映像コンテンツにも定評がございます。映像コンテスト優勝経験が基づく、制作力/企画力/表現力!!




Graphic Design

Please ask it for a design regardless of a category. The package of the product, a logo design, a character design, textile, various printed matter: (sticker, DVD/CD jacket, handbill / fryer, business card)!

Video Art

The video which I took with much effort on that day which promised a record and happiness of the growth of that scene to remember on that day, child remains that day? Even the material which who photographed is rebeared in the work of the impression.

Web Design

Though I want a homepage, there is no knowledge and wants to more easily manage the … company homepage! It is trouble solution in such a case on a CMS-style homepage. I operate it simply like I update blog. Because I support it free in LINE, I can run a homepage while learning even what the which does not have the knowledge.